This is de Kattekop

De Kattekop Day Care Centre was established in 1980 by Leiden University. It is one of the oldest day care centres in Leiden and has places for 56 children. Leiden University was the first university to provide a company day care centre for staff and students. The name ‘Kattekop’ is a blend of the founders’ names: Mr. Cath and Mr. Koppelaars.

We provide day care facilities exclusively for Leiden University. One of the child’s parents or carers must study at or be employed by Leiden University or one of its affiliated institutions. If there are enough places available, children of parents working for the LUMC may also be eligible.

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The outside space is stimulating for the children; they can play in the sand pit, cycle or run around a bit.

Our day care centre is known for its relaxed atmosphere and tranquillity. The centre has a spacious, easy lay-out with two lovely outside areas. We have two groups for the youngest children and two toddler groups. In each of the groups for the youngest children we have a maximum of twelve children per day aged between 8 weeks old and 2 years old, and in each of the toddler groups we look after a maximum of sixteen children from 2 to 4 years old.

The results of a recent satisfaction survey showed that de Kattekop parents appreciate what we do, enormously: they gave us an average score of 9.2. Our score for parental satisfaction is the best in the whole of South Holland and on a national basis, we are second in the whole country.

What do we stand for?

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Trusted and safe

A trusted, safe place in structured, peaceful surroundings, ensuring that your child feels safe and secure. You can leave your child behind with peace of mind, knowing that we will provide your child with all the care and attention that it needs.

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Focus is on the child’s development

Each child is unique and has its own character, temperament, potential and preferences. Your child will be given plenty of space to develop personally and socially through playing, at its own tempo, in its own way and alongside other children. Our staff supervise, support and stimulate your child by offering the care and activities that are the most appropriate at your child’s stage of development.

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Involved with parent, child and staff

De Kattekop is a relatively small organisation. All our staff members feel as though they belong to, and are a part of, the day care centre as a whole. You can feel that when you walk in. Contact is personal and direct and you feel free to ask questions. Wherever possible we always try to do what parents ask of us.

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Focus on quality

We continuously pay attention to the quality of our day care centre. We continue to develop by taking regular training courses and creating a stimulating work atmosphere. You can see this quality in the attention that we pay to our facilities, the building, the playgrounds, the food and the materials. Parent meetings and satisfaction surveys provide us with important input for our quality care.

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Customer Satisfaction and Complaints

Customer Satisfaction

We aim to run a high quality day care centre and that is why we regularly conduct satisfaction surveys from VerbeterMeter. Together with the annual parents meetings, this gives us very important feedback. Last year we had an average score of 9.2!

Problems or complaints

Despite our efforts to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible, it could well be that something doesn’t go as well as it should. We have therefore set up the following complaints procedure:

1. Open it up for Discussion
It is very important to talk about the problem or complaint, preferably with the staff member who is involved, so that a solution can be found. You try to find the appropriate solution, together with the staff member.

2. Meeting with the Manager
If you are unable to find a solution, you can always take your complaint to the Manager. If you feel you can’t discuss your complaint with the staff member, or your complaint is about the service in general, you can always speak to the Manager.

3. Formal Complaint 
The Manager will address your complaint. If this does not lead to a satisfactory solution, you can submit a formal, written complaint.

4. External Complaints Committee
If the internal complaints procedure has been followed, but the complaint has still not been resolved, you can address the Complaints Desk for Day Care Centres (Klachtenloket Kinderopvang in Dutch) (information, intervention, advice and mediation) or the Arbitration Board for Day Care Centres. The decision made by the Arbitration Board is binding for both parties. If, under the given circumstances, you are unable to reasonably address the complaint directly to the day care centre, you can also go straight to the Arbitration Board.

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Parents’ Committee

Are you thinking along with us?

We think it is very important that parents can and may think along with us. After all, your child will be spending a lot of time at our day care centre. The Parents’ Committee promotes the interests and concerns of the children and their parents. You think along about the plans that are made and advise on things like safety, costs and the opening times, and the tariff. The Parents’ Committee meets around four times a year.

Would you like more information? Please send an email to: or

The Board

De Kattekop’s Board consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five people. The board is chosen by co-optation and meets at least four times a year. The Board’s Rules and Regulations and the Articles of Association are available on request from the day care centre’s manager. The Board Members work voluntarily and can be contacted by email.

Jochem Decoz


since 21-2-2020

Richard Molenkamp


since 12-6-2024

Marion Elenbaas


since 21-2-2023

Berna Guroglu

General Member

since 28-6-2021

The manager is responsible for the daily running of the day care centre.

It is always nice and quiet and there is a lovely feeling to it. My little son loves to go to day care.

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We have no vacancies at the moment.

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